A partner in land use planning that protects people and property.

Staff on a plan review site visit

Cataraqui Conservation’s mandate is to provide expert, timely watershed advice to partner municipalities for applications from local property owners and developers, under the Planning Act and the Conservation Authorities Act. Cataraqui Conservation has an agreement in place with each of our member municipalities  for the provision of comments on municipal planning applications. Our comments are based on provincial policy statement and provincial hazard lands policy guidelines, a role which has been delegated to Conservation Authorities since the establishment of the Conservation Authorities Act, first passed by the Ontario legislature in 1946.

Please note individuals should schedule an appointment with Cataraqui Conservation staff for any in-person inquiries relating to planning and permitting matters. View our staff contact list to set up an appointment.

Cataraqui Conservation planning services regulation complement other program areas by:

  • Directing development to areas that are not hazardous (e.g. flooding and erosion)
  • Protecting the hydrologic function of wetlands
  • Protecting overall watershed health

More specifically, this includes applications for:

  • Severances and Minor Variances
  • Official Plans and Zoning By-law Amendments
  • Plans of Subdivisions and Condominium
  • Site Plan Control applications

Cataraqui Conservation staff are tasked with reviewing all pertinent technical reports and plans that relate to proposed development work adjacent to natural hazards, and waterbodies (e.g. wetlands, streams, creeks, rivers, and lakes).

Cataraqui Conservation’s review of planning applications is based on an integrated watershed management approach and is informed by policy documents such as the Provincial Policy Statement and implementing guidelines, municipal Official Plans and Zoning By-laws, Cataraqui Conservation Environmental Planning Policies and Guidelines for Implementing Ontario Regulation 148/06. We strive to protect property from danger and damage posed by natural hazards as well protecting overall watershed health.

Before formally applying to the pertinent municipality, it is recommended that you consult with a Cataraqui Conservation planner in order to make the process as smooth as possible.