Join the Friends of Lemoine Point and Cataraqui Conservation for their annual fall tree planting on Saturday October 2, 2021 from 9:00 am to noon. Help us plant 350 trees to add to the habitat and forest cover of the conservation area. The planting site is located near the Tree Nursery at the north end of the Lemoine Point Conservation Area, off of Coverdale Drive. Registration is required. Registration closes at noon on Friday Oct. 1, 2021.
Participants are asked to bring their own shovel and work gloves if they have them, the Friends will have some on hand if you need to borrow. Due to COVID-19 the fall planting will look a little different this year, below are COVID protocols and instructions:
- There will be no post plant mingle with drinks and snacks, please bring your own water/drink.
- The Friends have protocols in place to protect all participants, please practice physical distancing, check-in at the entrance table for screening, and face masks must be worn at the planting site.
- If you or anyone in your household is unwell please stay at home and do not come to the planting site.
- Registration is required and we have a limit of 100 participants. Visit to register. Registration closes at noon on Friday Oct. 1, 2021
- Dress for the weather, tree planting goes ahead rain or shine (except during thunder and lightening).
- The planting site may be muddy, please wear sturdy footwear - rubber boots or work books are recommended.
- Please do not park on the entrance road at the planting site or tree nursery. You may drop passengers/equipment at the planting site but was ask all participants to park in the north parking lot and walk back to the site.