Full Authority Board & Governance

A Conservation Authority is managed by board members appointed by the municipalities within its jurisdiction. It is the board members responsibility to represent the views of the citizens within their respective municipalities. In this way, local input into the activities, operations and projects of the Authority is provided.  Cataraqui Conservation has 17 board members appointed by the councils of the 11 municipalities that lie either wholly or partly within the Cataraqui watershed.

Full Authority Board meeting agendas, reports, and minutes
Board meetings notices, yearly schedule, agendas reports, and minutes are available on the Full Authority Board Meeting page. The board meets monthly, usually the fourth Wednesday of the month. 


Legislation, regulations and Cataraqui Conservation By-laws:

Ministry Notices:

Municipal Agreements

Memorandums of Understanding with member municipalities:

Conservation Authority Act Category 2 Agreements with member municipalities:

Conservation Authority Act Category 3 Agreements with member municipalities for Locally Supported Services:


Conservation Authorities Act Implementation Documents


Budget and Financials

The Cataraqui Conservation Board approves the budget, capital forecast, fee schedule and audited financial statements on an annual basis. The following documents can be found on our Budget and Financials page:

  • Operating Budget
  • Municipal Levies
  • Fee Schedules & Fee Policy
  • Capital Forecast
  • Audited Financial Statements


Strategic Plans & Annual Metrics Reports