Welcome to the Friends of Lemoine Point – Partners in Conservation, Sustainability and Ecological Biodiversity.
The Friends of Lemoine Point is a local community-based group of volunteers that helps to conserve and enhance Lemoine Point Conservation Area a forested waterfront area located within the City of Kingston, visited by thousands of nature-loving, outdoor recreation enthusiasts each year.

Primary Goals
The primary goals of the Friends of Lemoine Point Conservation Area are to develop programs and activities to protect and enhance Lemoine Point’s natural environment, promote public awareness and enjoyment of Lemoine Point Conservation Area as a place of nature and act as an advisory partner with Cataraqui Conservation on the development and conservation of Lemoine Point. Invasive species control, encouragement of biodiversity, trail management, and promoting accessibility to as many residents as possible are the focus of the Friends’ activities.
Our organization and activities are governed by our constitution and by our board of directors. The board members are elected every year at our annual general meeting each November, where we report to members on our activities including our annual financial statements.Interested members of the community are invited to join our organization, as it demonstrates public support for our goals and helps to protect and maintain Lemoine Point Conservation Area for ourselves and for future generations. Membership is $20.00 per person, though one additional person within the same household may become a member for $10.00. Ongoing or one-time donations are always welcome and appreciated.
Some of the key programs and activities of the Friends of Lemoine Point Conservation Area include:
- Heritage Forest Program to establish groves of assorted species of native trees and shrubs to enhance the existing forest. Each year our volunteers plant up to 1,000 trees at community planting events. The program is funded by membership fees and public support.
- We developed and manage a Native Plant Nursery at the north end of Lemoine Point to grow our own plant stock for our reforestation activities, using seeds and cuttings collected from native trees and shrubs. Trees, shrubs and wildflowers are also available for sale to the public. All proceeds go back into the operation of the nursery.
We represent the interests of those who use Lemoine Point and want to maintain its uniqueness by actively partnering with Cataraqui Conservation on its development and conservation.
Fun with the Friends
The friends host a variety of family friendly activities - native plant sales, tree planting and more.