Cataraqui Conservation Full Authority Board
A Conservation Authority is managed by board members appointed by the municiplaities within its jurisdiction. It is the board members responsibility to represent the views of the citizens within their respective municipalities. In this way, local input into the activities, operations and projects of the Authority is provided.
Cataraqui Conservation has 17 members appointed by the councils of the 11 municipalities that lie either wholly or partly within the Cataraqui watershed.
Board of Directors
- Chair: Paul Proderick (Loyalist)
- Vice-Chair: Gary Oosterhof (City of Kingston)
Learn more about our Board Members and Municipalities.
Board Meetings
Board meetings are normally held the fourth Wednesday of each month. Meetings are open to the public and start at 6:45 pm. Visit our Board Meetings page to find information on meeting dates and to access minutes and agendas.
Attend or Speak at a Meeting
If you would like to speak at a meeting you must submit a delegation request 14 days before the next scheduled meeting. Due to COVID-19 board meetings will be held online until further notice. If you would like to attend an online meeting please contact