Planning & Permitting
Cataraqui Conservation helps to ensure public safety from natural hazards and protection of the environment through our Planning & Permitting roles (known as "Development Review"). We are committed to high quality, consistent and efficient client service. Please refer to the information and services below intended to help guide you.
Planning & Permit Contacts
Policies & Guidelines
Environmental Planning Policies
- Appendix A: Planting Guidelines
- Appendix B: Wave Uprush Table
- Appendix C: Shoreline Erosion Classification System
- Appendix D: Geotechnical Investigation
- Appendix E: Guidelines for Environmental Assessment
- Appendix F: Ecological Buffers
- Appendix G: Site Evaluation Guidlines (Shield Lakes)
- Appendix H: Erosion & Sediment Control Guidelines
- Appendix I: Stormwater Management
Guidelines for Implementing Ontario 148/06 (now 41/24)
- Appendix D: Ontario Regulation 41/24
- Appendix I: Requirements for Geotechnical Investigation
- Appendix M: Ice Engineering Guidelines
- Appendix N: Guidelines for Hydraulic Design
- Appendix T: Inland Lakes Water Level Data
- Appendix U: Guidelines for In-Water & Shoreline Works
Section 28 Service Delivery Procedures
Other appendices available upon request, please email