The Cataraqui Conservation Board approves the budget, capital forecast, fee schedule and audited financial statements on an annual basis. To view previous years of any listed document please contact

Operating Budget

Current and past operating budgets, summary for all business units.

2025 Operating Budget 2025 Budget & Business Workplan
2024 Operating Budget 2024 Budget & Business Workplan
2023 Operating Budget  2023 Budget & Business Workplan


Fee Schedules

Current and past schedules, listing of all fees that Cataraqui Conservation charges. Draft fee schedules are published each year for public review and comment.

Capital Forecast

Capital project budget with a 10-year forecast and project details sheets including the purpose and timeline for each initiative.

Municipal Levies

Cataraqui Conservation's revenue comes for multiple sources that contribute to our operating and capital budgets. This includes levies to our member municipalities, self-generated funds and grants.

Audited Financial Statements

Cataraqui Conservation financial statements are reviewed each year by a licensed auditor and reflect the period of January 1 to December 31.