Forest Therapy Walks
Forest Therapy is a mindful, healing and connective practice inspired by the Japanese practice of 'Shinrin-Yoku' which translates into 'forest bathing'.
Spending time in nature not only strengthens human immune response and reduces stress, but also make us more creative, mindful, and content in our lives. The beauty of Forest Therapy is that it connects humans and nature, so that both benefit from a renewed relationship.
Everyone can benefit from Forest Therapy Walks such as, but not limited to, people recovering from illness, youth, active military, veterans, people coping from loss, students, professionals, parents, people looking to better their mental health, first responders and seniors. Anyone who is looking to de-stress, slow down, heal and connect with nature.

What We Offer
Private Group Bookings:
We offer sessions for groups with a minimum of five people and a maximum of 10. Cost is $20 per person. We can accommodate smaller groups (two to four people) for a minimum fee of $100. Please fill out our booking form and our guide will be in touch with details.
Public Sessions:
Don't have enough people for a private group booking, or looking to find out what Forest Therapy is all about? Try one of our scheduled public sessions. Please click on the register tab in the main menu for upcoming dates.
Register for an upcoming walk.
Remote Walks:
Wile being out in a forest with our guide is ideal, we can bring this experience to your home. It is amazing how restorative a remotely guided forest therapy experience can be. You don't always need a forest to reconnect with yourself, others and more than human beings. The experience can take place either indoors beside a window, near your plants, or outside in your backyard. You do not have to go far to have a big journey. Cost is $10 per person with a minimum of 5 people and a maximum of 15. Please fill out our booking form and our guide will be in touch.
Private one-on-one sessions:
Private walks are a great option for people looking for a deeper connection and a more personalized option. Fill out our booking form and our guide will be in touch to personalize a walk for you. Cost is $125.
Forest Therapy walks make a great addition to special events, meetings or retreats. Our guide will come to your site and lead a walk (or two) for your event participants. Please fill out our booking form with your event details and our guide will contact you with pricing options.