aquatic invasive species

Ontario has more invasive species that any other province in Canada. In general, an invasive species is an introduced plant or animal with traits that enable it to out compete and replace native species. Once outside of its native range, an invasive species is no longer kept in check by the predatory or competitive pressures that existed in its home environment. As a result, invasive species can quickly become dominant in their new environment.

One of the main impacts commonly caused by invasive species is reduced biodiversity. Biodiversity is a measure of the variety of plants and animals in an area. Reductions in biodiversity negatively impact ecosystem health. Invasive plants often reduce biodiversity by forming monocultures that exclude other species. Some invasive plants are also capable of altering growing conditions to their favour by releasing chemicals that inhibit the establishment of other plants. Many aquatic invasive plants form dense mats that may severely reduce water flow, restrict recreation such as boating, swimming, and fishing, and alter habitat for fish and other aquatic animals.

Cataraqui Conservation is monitoring invasive species in our jurisdiction, and we encourage you to help. When we can, we use this information to target efforts that help combat the spread of invasive species. If you would like to assist with monitoring and make an invasive species population known, we encourage you to download the Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System (aka EDDMapS) app. Downloading EDDMapS enables you to report the presence and extent of an invasive species and engage in invasive species management, watch this video for a tutorial on how to use the EDDMapS app. You can also report sightings of invasive species to the Invasive Species Hotline at 1-800-536-7711. For invasive Phragmites monitoring, please refer to the Cataraqui Region – Phragmites Management Area details.

Help Stop the Spread of Aquatic Invaders

  1. Learn how to identify aquatic invaders:
    • Familiarize yourself with some of the priority aquatic species in the region and those that may invade in the future by downloading our fact sheet.
  2. Guard against introduction or spreading:
    • Before transporting your boat, make sure to follow the clean, drain and dry protocol.
    • Buy non-invasive species for your garden from reputable vendors.
    • Do not release unwanted plants, yard debris, or animals to the environment. If there is an invasive species on your property, control and dispose of it according to the best management practices for that species.
    • Clean your gear when moving from an area with invasive species.
  3. Take action to remove newly established plants:
    • Invasive species quickly develop from a small page to a large infestation. Removing and properly disposing of invasive plants protects native ecosystems.
    • The Ontario Plant Council and the Invading Species Awareness Program have valuable resources to guide you through invasive species control.
    • If you have a phragmites patch to remove, we may be able to help -  see information below. 


Phragmites Assistance Program

Our Phragmites Assistance Program provides two options to help you with your Phragmites problem:

  1. Removal kits provide the tools and equipment needed to apply the cut-to-drown method or spading method to remove Phragmites. You can borrow a Phragmites Removal Kit between July 16 to October 31 by filling out our reservation form. Kits are ideal if your phragmites patch is:
    • Small (under 400 m2)
    • Growing in standing water (much higher eradication success)
    • Safely accessible

2. Book Cataraqui Conservation staff for a half-day on weekdays to lead volunteers for on-site removal. If it's available and suitable for use at the site, staff may also bring a power cutter to reduce workload. This service is available from July 16 to August 23. Please check back early July for details on how to book staff.