level 2 low water status

Cataraqui Conservation with their Low Water Response Team has confirmed a Level 2 Low Water Condition today for the area extending from Napanee to Brockville and north to Newboro due to the continued lower than normal amount of rainfall for the month of June.

“The month of June was wetter than May, however the rain deficit continues with the monthly regional precipitation average being only 68% of normal. Without an extended period of normal rain or higher than normal rain it will not be possible to move out of a low water condition. Some relief in the form of cooler, wetter weather is forecast which may improve conditions this month,” explained Cataraqui Conservation Watershed Planning Coordinator, Holly Evans.

“All monitored inland streams are flowing below the average flow rate for this time of year, and many have triggered low water thresholds. If the region does not see sustained amounts of rainfall this month it is likely the Cataraqui Region will stay in a Level II Low Water Condition for July."

Low water conditions are based upon precipitation and stream flow indicators and a Level 2 low water confirmation is determined by Cataraqui Conservation and the Cataraqui Region Low Water Response Team as part of the Ontario Low Water Response Program.

A Level 2 low water condition is the second of three levels and reflects a potentially serious water supply problem if current precipitation and stream flows trends persist. Level 1 ‘Minor’ suggests a potential water supply problem and Level 3 ‘Severe’ indicates a failure of the water supply to meet demand.

Residents on groundwater systems or that draw from inland lakes or streams are asked to voluntarily conserve water by following water conservation practices:

  • Reduce non-essential water uses.
  • Limiting outside watering of plants and lawns. If you must water your lawn, early morning or later evening watering reduces evaporation.
  • Note that lawns naturally become dormant during times of low water and will recover quickly. Lawns that have turned brown from the drought are not “dead”, the grass has just gone dormant from lack of water. When rainfall returns, the grass will come out of dormancy and perk back up.
  • Limit washing vehicles, driveways, and sidewalks. Use a pail of soapy water to wash your car and rinse off quickly with a hose.
  • Repair leaky plumbing or fixtures to help curtail water wastage.

If a water well supply becomes low or dry, well owners are encouraged to review the Ontario Government’s “Managing your well in times of drought publication (https://www.ontario.ca/page/managing-your-water-well-times-water-shortage), and contact a local licensed water well contractor (https://www.ontario.ca/page/find-licenced-well-contractors) to assess the well and provide recommended solutions.

Municipalities may invoke water use bylaws and residents should find out what bylaws are in effect in their municipalities regarding water use as well as outdoor fires.

To help Cataraqui Conservation staff track the spread and seriousness of low water impacts on the region, we are asking for help from the public in collecting this information. If residents have a low water concern, please let us know by filling in this quick online form:



Cataraqui Conservation will continue to monitor water levels and will provide updates as conditions change.