Cataraqui Conservation’s Low Water Response Team has downgraded the low water condition from Level 1 (minor) to Normal for the region due to above normal precipitation in October.
“The regional precipitation average was 129% of normal for the month of October,” explained Holly Evans, Cataraqui Conservation Watershed Planning Coordinator.
“Surface water levels in the region have risen and all monitored stream flows have recovered. Groundwater levels remain lower; however, it’s normal for groundwater recovery to lag behind surface water and levels are expected to increase with continued precipitation.”
Low water conditions are based upon precipitation and stream flow indicators and confirmation is determined by Cataraqui Conservation and the Cataraqui Region Low Water Response Team as part of the Ontario Low Water Response Program.
A Level 1 low water condition is the first of three levels and reflects a potential water supply problem if low precipitation and stream flow trends persist. Level 2 “moderate” suggests a potentially serious problem where a Level 3 “severe” condition indicates a failure of the water supply to meet demand.
Cataraqui Conservation will continue to monitor water levels and will provide updates as conditions change.