Natural Hazard Mapping Public Consultation
Lake Ontario & St. Lawrence River Mapping
Cataraqui Conservation has been updating natural hazard mapping (flooding and erosion) along Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River from the Town of Greater Napanee in the west to the City of Brockville in the east, also including the lower Great Cataraqui River below Kingston Mills.
As part of this project we will be hosting two public consultation sessions to offer information about the shoreline mapping and collect feedback on the project.
Consultation is closed for this project.
Why Update Lake Ontario & St. Lawrence River Hazard Mapping.
Following the record setting lake and river levels in 2017 and 2019, Cataraqui Conservation undertook a hazards analysis of its jurisdiction and completed the 'Cataraqui Region Risk Assessment and Hazards Mapping Strategy' in 2020. The report identified hazard mapping priorities in the Cataraqui Region and a strategy to upgrade outdated data.
Currently, data being used for flood risk mapping is 30 years old and does not adequately characterize the flood risk for historical extremes or climate change. It was developed under the Canada-Ontario Flood Damage Reduction Program in 1985 and updated with wave uprush information in 1993. In addition, the topographic data used in the 1980's was very coarse and new topographic LiDar has been utilized for the mapping update project.
The mapping study extends from the Cataraqui Conservation western boundary in the Town of Greater Napanee to its eastern boundary in the City of Brockville. The study also includes the lower Great Cataraqui River below Kingston Mills.
Please use the link below to view a map of the study area.
Following public consultation, the mapping will be submitted to Natural Resources Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for review. Upon completion of this review the study will go before Cataraqui Conservation's Full Authority Board for final approval and implementation.
Partial funding for this project was obtained from Natural Resources Canada through the Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program (FHIMP).
The updated hazard mapping will be used to guide Cataraqui Conservation staff in reviewing development applications for Ontario Regulation 148/06 (Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses, administered within the Cataraqui watershed under Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act).
The mapping may also be used by Cataraqui Conservation's partner municipalities when they update their own Official Plans and Zoning Bylaw schedules and in the review of development applications under the Planning Act.