Buells & Butlers Creek Floodplain Mapping Update
Virtual Open House - Monday May 17, 2021
Cataraqui Conservation and the City of Brockville acquired funding in 2019 from the National Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP) to update the 1996 regulatory floodplain limit mapping for Buells and Butlers Creeks. The update looked at changes in the watershed over the last 20 years, including changes to creek crossings, drainage areas, hard surfaces, and storage that is part of the system, as well as the consideration for changing climate conditions. Floodplain mapping or natural hazard maps are used by municipalities and Cataraqui Conservation when updating official plans and zoning schedules, and in reviewing development applications to protect people and property from natural hazards and guide sustainable development activities.
The online information session will include an overview presentation from AHYDTECH Geomophic of the new floodplain mapping and a question-and-answer session with Cataraqui Conservation.
Virtual Open house details:
- Date & Time: Monday May 17, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
- Location: virtual via Microsoft Teams
- Register for the open house
- If you have questions you would like addressed during the open house please submit them on the registration form no later than May 13, 2021