Your partner in developing safe, environmentally responsible, effective projects.

floating dock

Under the Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 41/24: Prohibited Activities, Exemptions and Permits (formerly O.Reg. 148/06). Cataraqui Conservation has the responsibility to regulate development and site alterations near waterbodies (steams, rivers, lakes) and wetlands to protect residents from flooding, erosion and other natural hazards.

Please note individuals should schedule an appointment with Cataraqui Conservation staff for any in-person inquiries relating to planning and permitting matters. Click here to view our Appointment Form.

Fill out our Permit inquiry form to start the application process.

You may require a Cataraqui Conservation Permit if your project is:

  • in the channel of a watercourse or drain, in a lake, pond or wetland
  • within 15 m of a floodplain
  • within 50 m of the top of a bank of a river, stream, lake or other watercourse
  • within 30 m of a Provincially Significant Wetland
  • within 30 m of all other wetlands greater than 0.5 hectares.

Projects subject to the regulation include, but are not limited to:

  • construction, reconstruction, erecting or placing a building or structure of any kind.
  • changes to an existing building or structure that would alter the use or potential use of that building/structure (increasing the size of the building and number of possible dwelling units within the building).
  • grading or significant removal of fill or infilling along a site whether the material originated on the site or not.
  • docks, shoreline retaining walls, erosion control, and other in-water works.

Filling, construction or alteration of floodplains, wetlands, shorelines and waterbodies can result in increased upstream or downstream flooding, reducing water quality, destruction of fish and wildlife habitat or other environmental problems. When considering whether to grant a permit under these regulations, Cataraqui Conservation considers not only the individual application, but also the long-term impacts within the watershed, including the dynamic nature of beaches as well as projected damage from wind and water erosion.

Depending on the complexity of the project or development and the amount of projects and permits under review, it will take between one and two weeks to receive a response to an initial inquiry, particularly those of a legal nature. A Permit Application Package will only be reviewed by staff once it is considered complete – all requested documents and information are received by staff.

To start the application process please fill out a Permit inquiry form.

Relevant Permitting Links:

Not sure where to start? Contact permit staff at 613-546-4228 ext 220.

Please note individuals should schedule an appointment with Cataraqui Conservation staff for any in-person inquiries relating to planning and permitting matters.