Our Secondary School Programs accommodate various grade levels, needs and are designed to be a springboard for action and understanding and strive to be relevant to learners so that they can connect to the natural world through their head, heart and hands.

students on a field trip


Programs take place at Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area in Kingston, Mac Johnson Wildlife Area in Brockville, or any of our other Conservation Areas upon request.


All programs are two hours in length and are available mornings and afternoons. The start and end times are flexible to adapt to schedules. We encourage full day visits where you and your class can take in two education programs or can partner with other teachers/classes.


  • $8 per student attending all half day programs at our Conservation Areas (minimum fee of $120)
  • $5 per student attending from the Limestone District School Board, (this boards pay a $3 per student subsidy)
  • $2.00 extra per student for Maple Madness Programs
  • Cataraqui Conservation will invoice the teacher/school/group after your visit

Book a program:

email educate@crca.ca or call 613-546-4228 ext. 251