
On February 16, 2024, Ontario Regulation 41/24: Prohibited Activities, Exemptions and Permits under subsection 28(1) of the Conservation Authorities Act was approved by the Province.  This new regulation will replace the existing Ontario Regulation 148/06 “Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses” effective April 1, 2024

Cataraqui Conservation will continue to require applications for a permit to undertake development, interference and alteration activities in regulated areas as defined under the Conservation Authorities Act and in the new O. Reg. 41/24.

As part of our mandate, Cataraqui Conservation continues to:

  • Regulate construction and site alteration in and along areas such as floodplains, steep slopes, waterbodies, wetlands, and shorelines.
  • Review Planning Act applications within or adjacent to these areas.
  • Provide technical advice to municipalities on watershed matters including natural hazards, stormwater management, and drinking water source protection.

Cataraqui Conservation staff have implemented a transition plan to ensure compliance with the new regulatory changes including a policy and procedure conformity review and completing the comprehensive update to our Guidelines for implementing the regulation  initiated in 2022 which has undergone public and stakeholder consultation.

We continue to support our municipal partners and clients as Cataraqui Conservation transitions to minimize disruptions to approvals processes for development and permit applications. Staff are available to answer any questions you may have on the changes and how they may affect any proposed project.

Further information on our planning and permitting roles and services is available on our website at: